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Province of Lecce

Lecce is the easternmost province of Italy and it occupies the southern tip of Apulia. Today it constitutes, with part of the provinces of Brindisi and Taranto, the geographical region of Salento, once called Terra d’Otranto.

The beaches in the province, today destination for Italian and foreign tourists, are characterised by fine gold sand, while high and steep cliffs dropping sheer to the sea allow to admire the breath-taking panorama and to enjoy the perfumes of the Mediterranean vegetation. The dry-stone walls, the pajare, the farmhouses colour the landscape of the countryside and exalt the specific nature of the territory, where the stone has always been considered the main constructive element.

città @perte in rete

Street A. Volta 21 - 73055 RACALE (LE) ITALY


MAIL. info@opencitiesonline.com